Curating datasets to support middle school student inquiry

Mokros, J., Rubin, A., Sagrans, J., & Higgins, T. (2023)

 In E. M. Jones (Ed.), Fostering Learning of Statistics and Data Science: Proceedings of the Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE), July 11–13, 2023.

Data Detectives Clubs: Narrative, data, and sound

Noyce, P., Mokros, J., & Finzer, W. (2023)

Concord Consortium Newsletter .

Novel approaches to data representation in middle school: Simulating and sonifying epidemiology data

Sagrans, J. (2023)

Visualization in Science and Education Gordon Research Conference, July 16–21, 2023, Bates College, Lewiston, ME .

Case of the COVID Crisis book trailer

Fablevision, & Noyce, P. (2022)

Data Detectives Clubs: A collaborative approach to data science through epidemiology

Martin, L., Mokros, J., Deol-Johnson, N., Noyce, P., & Sagrans, J. (2022)

 Connected Science Learning, 4(6)

Data Detectives Clubs: COVID-Inspired Data Science Education through Epidemiology

Mokros, J., Noyce, P., & Martin, L. (2022)

 Poster presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, April 21, 2022, San Diego, CA.

The case of the COVID crisis (2nd ed.)

Noyce, P. (2022)

 Published by Tumblehome

Integrating technology and narrative to engage young adolescents with COVID data

Noyce, P., Mokros, J., Martin, L., & Sagrans, J. (2022)

In S. A. Peters, L. Zapata-Cardona, F. Bonafini, & A. Fan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics (ICOTS11 2022), Rosario, Argentina. International Association for Statistical Education.

COVID-Inspired Data Science Education through Epidemiology (CIDSEE)

Sagrans, J. (2022)

 Presentation at the Computer Science Teachers Association New England Regional Conference, November 12, 2022, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

Data Detectives Clubs in the time of COVID-19

Mokros, J., & Finzer, W. (2021)

 Invited presentation at the Paderborn Colloquium on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in School, October 27, 2021, Paderborn, Germany.

COVID-Inspired Data Science for Youth. STEM for All Video Showcase

Mokros, J., Sagrans, J., Noyce, P., & Deol-Johnson, N. (2021)

Data science for youth in the time of COVID

Mokros, J., Sagrans, J. & Noyce, P. (2021)

 In R. Helenius & E. Falck (Eds.), Statistics Education in the Era of Data Science: Proceedings of the Satellite Conference of the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE), Aug-Sept 2021, Online Conference.

Using data for puffin colony restoration: Students and scientists as seabird heroes

 Noyce, P., Sagrans, J., & Mokros, J. (2025)

Presentation at the Data Science Education K–12 conference, February 17, 2025, San Antonio, TX.

Scientific sensemaking: Designing solutions for puffin restoration

Mokros, J., Harrigan, C., Sagrans, J., & Noyce, P. (2025)

Science Scope, 48(1)

Using CODAP, datasets, and AI to study seabird restoration

Harrigan, C., & Sagrans, J. (2024, November 8)

Presentation at the National Conference of the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), New Orleans.

New viruses are inevitable; pandemics are optional—Lessons for and from statistics

Nicholson, J., & Ridgway, J. (2024)

Teaching Statistics, 46(3)

Listening to time-series data: Sonification to increase engagement and learning

 Damelin, D., & Sagrans, J. (2025)

Workshop at the Data Science Education K–12 conference, February 17, 2025, San Antonio, TX.

Using sound to enhance data interpretation

Damelin, D. (2025)

Concord Consortium Newsletter.